Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Photoblog: Our European Trip - Part 2

My favorite things in Paris

Without a doubt, my favorite part of visiting Paris is picking up fresh breads every morning at the neighborhood boulangerie and fruit from the corner produce stand--not to mention poking my head in the patisseries beckoning with their varieties of tarts and pastries, the likes of which I have never seen this side of the Atlantic. 

I love strolling along the narrow cobblestone street in the early mornings, on my own, without a camera or guidebook, pretending to be a Parisian and returning to our apartment with arms laden with the morning's conquest, but just enough for one day, because the shops would be open tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that.

Sidewalk cafes. Sure, we have those here, too. But somehow, they do it with style. There are cloth napkins, always, and silverware and wine glasses, and waiters in lovely black-and-white uniforms. And you can't beat the view, whether it's humble, narrow cobblestone streets or boulevards lined with grand hotels and palaces.

Of course, the coffee is always good. Very good.

Oh, and did I mention the red awnings?

Then there's Monet. 

Did you hear the sigh at the end of that sentence? You should, because I finally made it to Musée d'Orsay! How I wish I could live in that museum for a week!

Paris has an amazing skyline from atop just about any edifice. But it was especially poetic to see the city through a clock.

Cruising on the Seine, I realized how easy it was to see Paris the way the impressionists did. It was the water. You don't even need to squint to see the paint strokes that make up this scene.

Or this one.

I've tried to avoid putting up a picture of the Eiffel Tower. (Believe me, it's harder than you think. That huge structure does seem to show up everywhere you look.) But I can't resist the one family photo that proves we were all there--including me! By some unbelievable chance we were all smiling, with our eyes open even, And the tower was perfectly centered behind us! I have the stranger who took this picture to thank.

Here's a travel tip: when you are at a picturesque spot, ask someone if they might want to have a group photo taken. Offer your service, and they will happily reciprocate. Look for someone who has a clunky DSLR camera draped over his/her neck. You'll have a better chance of getting a good picture taken.

I'll close this one post with another picture of food. Who can resist a display like this? With all the amazing goodies they have all over the city, it's a wonder how any Parisian can stay thin. Perhaps the secret is that they are choosey of what they consume. Eat well, in small quantities, and reject everything else not worth eating.

A good rule to live by, at least for me, after all the croissants and tarte tatin and duck confit and chocolates...

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